Tuesday, November 9, 2010


Feeling like absolute hell at work right now.

The shift was chugging along happily when all of a sudden my nose was bothering me. Then I started sneezing. Before I knew it my eyes were watering, I was sneezing almost constantly, and my nose was somehow both stuffed up and running.

Just a couple more hours to get through, and then it's home for some wonderful sleep.

Had a great weekend with the Weirdo & the Monkey. Party on Friday night was a lot of fun, even if the Weirdo went home early. Got to actually have some drinks with some friends! Seems like such a big deal to me because it happens so rarely these days. Not complaining, just commenting. Drinking gets too expensive anyway. Although I would like to drop in to the new bar in town still. Hmmm..

Made a lot of progress on the house since the tree fell too. The street department guys pretty much did everything except delimb the tree - which I did with a hand saw. That was a great idea. Tree is gone now, and the stump/trunk shoved back into the neighbor's yard from whence they came.

Anyway, back to the grind.


  1. If you call your wife “Weirdo” – does that mean you have a label for your dear mother-in-law too? I’m all ears (I mean, eyes).

  2. I'll call her Waltzing Matilda if it'll keep me on her good side!
