Wednesday, November 17, 2010

A Baby & A Knight

First and foremost, I want to say congratulations to my brother in law and his wonderful wife, who gave birth to their son this morning. I haven't met the new baby yet, but I should get to see him in the next day or two.

The Weirdo, the Monkey, and I were up at the hospital last night while she was still in labor. The Weirdo was in the delivery room helping out while I had the monkey out in the lobby. I hadn't been in that part of the hospital since the Monkey was born, and it brought all kinds of memories flooding back. I remembered the lobby being filled with family and friends, all full of anticipation. I thought about walking back and forth down that long hallway to give updates to everyone in the lobby. Most of all, I remember feeling almost numb at times when the Monkey was being born. Like my mind was on a loop saying "Look what's happening! You're about to become a father! Remember every second of this! Look look look!" I remember when the Monkey's head was out but the rest of him wasn't the doctor started turning his head. I instantly thought the doctor was nearly breaking my half-born child's neck and was ready to knock her out of the way.

Just being in the maternity wing is a little exciting. To think that so many lives start there, so much joy is delivered all in one section of one hospital. I'd be lying if I said I didn't catch a little baby fever while I was there. I cooled off a little when the Monkey removed his shoe and dunked it in my sweet tea.

The Monkey and I went home for the night, leaving the Weirdo in the delivery room. I put him to bed and settled in for the night. Around 3 AM my phone went off with a new text message from the Weirdo asking if I was awake. I texted back that I was, and she called me a few minutes later. The Weirdo had a sinus infection that had gone from crappy to really bad in a pretty short time. She had a fever over 102 and felt awful. The problem was I had the car since I had the Monkey, so she had no way home. She asked if I would come get her.

I jumped up as if spring loaded. This was a rare opportunity! The Weirdo actually asking for help! The Weirdo is a very strong, independent woman and I love that about her. The other side to that is I don't get to play knight in shining armor for her too often. So I got the Monkey up and loaded into the car by 3:15. He woke up in the car and looked around before turning to me with a puzzled look and asking "Mama?"

How a toddler under 2 years old seems to intuitively know his mother is the reason he was pulled out of bed in the middle of the night is beyond me. He already knows a lot about women for his age.

So I got the Weirdo home and the Monkey back to bed. Made her breakfast in bed this morning and took care of the Monkey all day. Grabbed lunch, some groceries, and her prescription while the Monkey napped. Spent the evening catching up with the DVR. I'm sad that we didn't get to go have that time at the hospital with the new baby, but glad that I got to take care of my girl today. It fills that deep, instinctual need that guys have to feel like they've taken care of their family.

And now, the Weirdo and the Monkey are both soundly sleeping, the house is warm and secure, and there's food in the fridge for tomorrow. I can go to bed a happy man.

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