Sunday, October 24, 2010

A Great Fall Day

If I got paid for putting miles on my car's odometer I would have made a lot of money today!

Started the day early when the Weirdo woke me from my peaceful slumber by turning the lights on and hinting at a potential for domestic violence if my drowsiness made us late. After my aerosol shot of nicotine I was finished waking up, and then it was time to get the Monkey up. I can already see he's going to be a morning person like the Weirdo because he was literally bouncing up and down in his crib in anticipation of starting the day. I can't remember the last time I was that eager to get out of bed. Am I wrong for lacking such enthusiasm for life, or has the Monkey just not yet come to appreciate the greatness of sleep? I'm leaning towards the latter, but I digress.

The Weirdo sent me out to fill up the car with gas, which I was happy to do. I love running little errands. Dropping off the gas bill, dropping off dry cleaning, running to the store for milk & eggs, whatever needs doing! Maybe I like having something to do, or maybe I like being given a clear goal that I can reach with ease so I get that little sense of accomplishment.

"Weirdo my love, you tasked me with fetching you milk and a book of stamps. I bring them to you now knowing your heart is bursting with love and admiration. I will now accept my butt pinch in reward."

Anyway, with the Weirdo and the Monkey ready to go we piled into the car. We picked up the Weirdo's other significant other (her best friend), and set out for the mountains. A few hours later we arrived at the 2010 Hillbilly Hog BBQ Throwdown. Much to my disappointment I didn't see a single "Get er done" hat or t-shirt. We had some great 'cue (that's what us insiders call it), some Italian ice, and I posed in front of the "Best Butt In Town" sign.

Had one of those "moments" while we were there too. No, not a Viagra moment - where the Weirdo is eating 'cue, gets sauce on her chin, I wipe it off with my napkin, and she smiles at me all coy and knowing. If that happened in real life I'd be pelting her with little BBQ sauce containers from McDonalds all the time. No, it was one of those "Life is beautiful" kinda moments. It was my turn to chase the Monkey, and after a few goes down the slides I decided to bring him over to the Sheriff's tent for a free balloon. We got balloon # 1 and I gave it to the Monkey. I hovered over him as he delighted in his lightweight new best thing ever, confident that when he inevitably let it go I would snatch it from the air and return it to him. I underestimated the power of fresh helium, and when he let it go it soared up into the sky. The Monkey watched it intently, pointing at it and providing commentary:

"Bah dah dah.. booowwll."

I wanted to kick myself for letting his balloon get away, and I expected a total Monkey meltdown any second for it's loss. The nice Deputy gave me balloon # 2, and with it firmly in my own grasp we headed back over to where the Weirdo and her bestie were sitting. We tied the balloon onto the Monkey's belt loop, and he seemed to enjoy it for a bit. I figured with his balloon firmly attached he would be happy all day. Minutes later he was on the ground screaming, kicking and slapping at his floating accessory. I cut the balloon loose and handed it to him. He held it only long enough to let it go, and once again he marveled at it as it rose up and away.

That's when it hit all of us: he didn't mind losing his balloon if it meant he could watch it float away. It's ability to defy gravity, which he has only recently come to somewhat understand, was absolutely amazing to him. Only adults automatically assume a balloon is better appreciated attached to your hip rather than allowed to serve it's purpose and float up into the sky. I guess you never know what your toddler will teach you next.

After we had our fill of 'cue we headed home. The Weirdo even let me listen to one of my mix CDs on the way back! She is a bit of a dictator when it comes to what music gets played in the car, and much to my dismay her music sounds to me like a ghost haunting a psych ward just dropped some bad acid and found it's way to a synthesizer.

After a brief respite at home we were back on the road headed towards Cochran Mill. Picked up a few extra family members on the way, and soon found ourselves at the Cochran Mill Nature Center. It was a hayride down to the festival, petting a live snake, and hot dogs on the porch while we played and laughed with the Monkey (in a dinosaur costume) and our nephew (in a monkey costume).

After that it was dinner at Nana and Papa's house, where I watched the Weirdo go from book reader to surf board to expert toddler wrassler. Got home and carried my sleeping Monkey to his bed, but couldn't make it out of the room without doing that weird, parent, my-sleeping-child-is-the-most-wonderful-thing-I've-ever-seen thing. The Weirdo dashed off to her other world, where a story in her head was waiting to be written, and I sat down to tell you about my day.

It was a great Fall day!

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