Monday, April 25, 2011


Haven't posted in too long. I need to find more time to write. My book has been put aside for at least a year now. I've got a lot of edits, changes, and re-writes in mind for certain parts and I'm dreading getting started. The problem is the book is my story, about my life, and my life is always changing. People's roles in my life change over the weeks and months, so the characters in the book change. The Weirdo and the Monkey are as close to a constant that I have in my life, but even they change. The Monkey is always growing and changing. Today I can ask him how old he is, and he can answer. Six months ago he would just stare at me. The Weirdo is always reinventing herself, and is about to go back to school.

Work has had some good change. I finally got promoted to Sergeant last month. I know it'll wear off in time, but I still get a thrill seeing those chevrons on my sleeve. I like being Sarge. I know everybody always feels this way, but I feel like I worked my ass off for this - and continue to. Schedules need to be done, vacation, school, and military leave all need to be accounted for. Overtime needs to be kept in check. I've been doing all this since November anyway, so at least I had a jump on learning what I was supposed to be doing.

Despite all the change, some things will always remain. I'm training somebody at work right now. I've got a training officer on my shift, but it was indicated to me that because of my good training record they wanted me to check the new guy out and make the call on whether ot not to keep him. I'm sure I'll always be training, at least on some level. I'm good at it, which stems from having a lot of patience. The Monkey holds the record for being able to run through my patience faster than anyone, but he's my child so I guess that's the universe balancing itself.

Anyway, off to the grocery store for some milk and juice.

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