Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Baby, It's Cold Outside

Well, the cold has finally reached town. The air outside is hovering around 17 degrees with the wind chill. In certain ways I don't like the cold. First and foremost, as a parent the cold makes me nervous. I get worried about my toddler getting cold in our poorly insulated 60 year old house. I get nervous that the Monkey won't be warm enough in the car. Aside from the Monkey, the cold is generally irritating when you're dealing with frozen cars in the morning, leaving faucets dripping at night - which our house does automatically for us (60 years old), and a big portion of your fun, outdoor activities list made impossible for all but the legally insane.

It's not all bad though. Christmas comes with the cold, and I love Christmas. Cold weather can mean hot chocolate in a cozy living room. It can be cuddling up with a blanket on the couch watching a movie - but not It's A Wonderful Life. I tried watching it with the Weirdo once and she immediately scolded poor George Bailey for letting people walk all over him. I told her I always felt a little like ol' George - without the suicidal impulses of course. More the desire to help others. Her line was something like:

Every time a bell rings, quit feeling sorry for yourself and grow a pair.

The Weirdo and I do have a Christmas tradition we really love. We always listen to the same radio host when we're driving around at night during the holidays. It's partially for the Christmas music, partially for the nutty people that call in, and partially for the advice or musical response the host responds with. It goes something like this:

Caller: Hi, I'm just calling in to say I miss my best friend. She's in South America studying Aztec ruins and I just miss her a lot because we always spend time together on Christmas.

Host: Aww, you miss your friend don't you? You're together in your hearts. Here's a song for you.

*cue music*  I want a hippopotamus for Christmas...

There are some things I like about the cold weather that aren't related to Christmas too. If I don't have to be outside long, and I can just step outside for a few moments, that rush of freezing air can be exhilarating. The cold weather also seems to bring such incredibly still nights. Summer nights are full and alive. Winter nights are so quiet and serene, like the entire world is sleeping.

Last but not least, winter gets me excited at the thought of snow. We get maybe an inch or two each winter, and it almost always falls in just one day - gone the next. I miss snow from growing up in the Northeast. I don't really miss shoveling driveways or skidding all over the road, but I do miss the fun parts of snow. I don't think I'll ever get to an age where the sight of snow doesn't make me want to go outside and start throwing snowballs. I like the idea of building a snowman with the Monkey someday.

Well, I cracked a car window to fully appreciate the cold I've been rambling about and now my hands are frozen. Time for some hot coffee!

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